La Alameda Park, Quito

La Alameda Park is a park in Quito.

This park is shaped like a triangle bounded by the streets Gran Colombia, Sodiro and 10 de Agosto. It is the oldest park in the city, its composition dates from 1596 with an area of 6.3 hectares

Inside of this park was established the Quito Astronomical Observatory in 1864. At the time of the construction it was the most gifted of South America and still has the instrumentation of the time.

The Alameda Park is a true tradition of Quito, with its natural lagoon becomes a place of relaxation for the inhabitants of the city. The park keeps inside trees that have stood the time, we can find palm trees, acacias, redwoods, toct, cedar and ash. The oldest tree of Alameda is a 120 years old macrocarpa cypress.
